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Firebase Bundler

You want to fix: ‘Failed to resolve module specifier “firebase/app”’.

The Firebase team designed their code to work with a bundler. In particular, note these sentences from the docs:

Module bundlers read import paths in your code and combine (bundle) your application-specific code with your imported library code.

From version 9 and higher, the Firebase JavaScript SDK is optimized to work with the optimization features of module bundlers to reduce the amount of Firebase code included in your final build.

I followed the easy-to-understand webpack example shown in the docs. My only change was in webpack.config.js, were I put bundle.js in the public directory rather than dist:

 output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public'), // change here
    filename: 'bundle.js'

I do this because Firebase tends to put their web app code in a directory called public.

In public/index.html, near the bottom of the body tag, I use this code to load bundle.js:

 <script src="bundle.js"></script>

I put it there because that file might take the longest to load, so I make everything else in index.html visible and then begin the potentially longer bundle.js load process.

After doing this the following code from my index.js file began to work:

import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app';